Then please Download and next time you are at a public hotspot, run this Xirrus Wi-Fi Inspector, click the Networks link on the upper left and paste a screen shot of that screen here. If you are on a machine with no network connection, use a floppy, USB disk, or a CD-RW disk to transfer a text file with the information to allow pasting it here.
Come back here and Paste the results in a message. Right click in the command window and choose Select All, then hit Enter. Note that there is a space before the /ALL, but there is NOT a space after the / in the following command. type CMDĪt the > prompt type type the following command: IPCONFIG /ALL With the pc connected to the router, Click on Start. Then: check your browser's settings, remove any proxy settings if found here's how. How to Remove Stored Wireless Network Profiles for XP, Vista, and Windows 7 Remove all the stored wireless network profiles and search for the network again. then turn on the router, then one pc at a time. turn on the Modem and wait a few minutes for the lights to stabilize.
Lets take a peek at your network environment: